Wednesday, April 15, 2015

My Courses


The course presents advanced counseling methods for dealing with individual and family crises.  Applications are made to school and clinical populations. Special concerns such as suicidality, homocidality, addictive behavior, and domestic violence are examined.

1.                  Evaluating and demonstrating the appropriate use of techniques associated with multiple counseling theories with application to given cases.

                   Psychoanalytic Therapy
Adlerian Therapy
Existential Therapy
Person-centered Therapy
Gestalt Therapy
Transactional Analysis
Behavior Therapy
Multimodal Therapy
Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy
Reality Therapy
Feminist Therapy
Prominent Family Therapies
Transpersonal Therapy
Emerging Therapies

2.                  Evaluating and demonstrating the appropriate use of techniques associated with school counseling, including referral procedures and the use of special programs and services.

Knowledge Competencies
human development theories and concepts
individual counseling theories
consultation theories and techniques
group counseling theories and techniques
career decision-making theories and techniques
learning theories
motivational theories
the effect of culture on individual development and behavior
evaluation theories and processes
ethical and legal issues related to counseling
program development models

Skill Competencies
diagnosing student needs
individual counseling
group counseling
consultation with staff, students, and parents
coordination of programs, e.g., testing, career development, substance abuse
career counseling
educational counseling
identifying and making appropriate referrals
administering and interpreting achievement, interest, aptitude, and personality   tests
cross-cultural counseling
ethical decision-making
building supportive climates for students and staff
removing an/or decreasing race and gender bias in school policy and curriculum
explaining to the staff, community, and parents, the scope of practice and functions of a school counselor
planning and conducting in-service for staff
identifying resources and information related to helping clients
evaluating the effectiveness of counseling programs

3.                  Demonstrating case management skills as applied in either a clinical or school setting..

Completing a case study to illustrate the following:
      thorough, comprehensive conceptualization of the client’s needs, strengths, and
      accurate diagnosis of problems and/or pathology
      logical, goal based treatment planning
      specific, relevant evaluation of the treatment recommendations and revisions
      application of critical thinking skills throughout the process

4.                  Understanding human development as it applies to school and non-school settings and developing a comprehensive developmental guidance and counseling program that encourages all learners to achieve their full potential.

Human Development Theories
      Kohlberg and Gilligan
      Maslow-Hierarchy of Needs
      Ken Wilber’s Integral Model
      Human Potential Model

Models for Guidance and Counseling Programs
      ASCA National Model
      Texas Model

5.                  Identifying and applying the theories and methods of individual and family counseling in schools and mental health settings.

Case Study Analysis
Role-plays to demonstrate comprehension and applications of skills

6.                  Identifying and understanding cultural specific issues, including gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic, and physically challenged individuals in schools and mental health settings.

Approaches to Viewing Cultures/Clients
      Autoplastic Approach
Alloplastic Approach

Models for describing and explaining multicultural interactions
      Atkinson, Morton, and Sue Model
      Pedersen Model

Contemporary Issues Related to Multicultural Functioning
      Gender Biases, Boundaries and Barriers
      Aging Issues
      Teen Pregnancy
      Loss and Grief
      Abuse and Addiction
      Family Redefinition and Reconfiguration
      Gay and Lesbian Rights
      Homeless Persons
      Intergroup Marriages
      Ethnic Group Identity and Rights
      Discrimination and Stereotyping

      Cultural Pluralism
      Culture Shock

7.                  Developing effective leadership skills to plan, implement, and evaluate a comprehensive approach to either a counseling and guidance program or to a clinical practice.

Leadership Styles
Basic leadership competencies
Models to Assess Counselor Effectiveness as a Leader

8.                  Developing collaborative school-home relationships that promote and facilitate clients/learners’ academic, personal, social and career growth.

Team Building Models and Strategies
Learner orientation to program development
Cooperative learning
Group process skills
Developing awareness, support, involvement

9.                  Defining the roles and functions of counselors in schools and mental health settings.

Texas Law, Rules and Regulations for Licensed Professional Counselors
      Definition of Counseling
      Statement of roles and functions for LPC’s

American School Counseling Association Role Statement
      Individual counseling
      Small group counseling
      Large group counseling

10.              Identifying common approaches to referral that are appropriate for school and mental health counselors.

The Referral Process
Essential Knowledge about Psychological Testing (Mental Health Assessment)
Documentation and Record Keeping

11.              Describing and analyzing the ethical, professional, and legal issues in the counseling and guidance profession.

Counselor competence
      beginning assessment
      ongoing development

Professional Codes of Ethics
      Texas Board of Licensure for Professional Counselors Code of Ethics
      ASCA Code of Ethics
Laws impacting counselor practice
      authoritative bodies
      interpretation of laws for practitioners
      accepted sources/references that define practice: nature and scope

12.              Discussing Prominent Models for Planned Change.

Prochaska and Di Clemente Model

13.              Assessing a new client or client system for the purpose of effective treatment planning.

Client motivation and developmental level
Cultural Issues
Legal and Ethical Issues
Structural and Process Issues
Data Gathering
Involvement and/or collaboration with other professionals
Counselor readiness for engagement with the client

14.              Decision-making and triage with clients who abuse substances.

Types of Drug Abuse
Diagnosis of Substance Abuse
Assessment of Substance Abuse
Referral and Treatment Planning
Documentation and Record Keeping

15.              Collaborating with Medical Professionals for the Safe Use of Psychotropic Medications

Symptoms and Disorders that Require a Medication Referral
Categories or Types of Psychotropic Medications
Uses of Psychotropic Medications
Side Effects of Psychotropic Medications
Clinical Management of Psychotropic Medications
Documentation and Record Keeping

16.              Assessment and Intervention in the Midst of Crises

Types of Crises and Triggering Events
Effects of Crises on Individual Functioning
Models of Crisis Intervention

17.              Dealing with Suicidality

Legal and ethical issues facing the counselor of the suicidal client/student
Traits and/or patterns to observe for during assessment of suicidality
Risk Factors for Suicidality
Assessment Approaches
Interventions for Suicidal Clients
Documentation and Record Keeping

18.              Dealing with Violence and Abuse of Others

Legal and ethical issues facing the clinician of the violent client/student
Assessment of violence and abuse
Intervention for violence and/or abuse
Documentation and Record Keeping

19.              Applying a model of counselor advocacy that includes a range of activities from empowerment to social action.

A common language and framework for understanding advocacy in counseling
Advocacy, Empowerment, and Social Action
Professional Issues influencing the implementation of advocacy roles in counseling
Working with Mental Health Advocacy Groups

20.              Developing a Personal Plan for Ongoing Growth and Competency

Self-Assessment of Progress within the Counseling Program
Surveying the Opportunities and Resources for Practicums and Internships
The Practicum Application Process
Suggested Competencies for Practicum Completion
Selecting a Supervisor
The Supervision Process
Prevention of Burnout


1.                  According to Freud, this refers to a quantity of psychic energy invested in a mental representation of an object.
                  a.   ambivalence
b.        anticathexis
c.         cathexis
d.        condensation

2.                  To Freud, the unconscious displacement of emotion or behavior by the psychoanalyst, from some other person to the patient is called
                  a.   transference.
b.        wish fulfillment.
c.         resistance.
d.        counter transference. 

3.                  In Adler’s theory, an innate sense of kinship with all humanity is called
                  a.   social interest.
b.        compensation.
c.         style of life.
d.        superiority complex.

4.                  Which therapy would assess the individual in four basic dimensions: the natural world, the public world, the private world, and the ideal world?
a.       Adlerian
                  b.   Person Centered
c.       Gestalt
d.   Existential

5.                  Which therapy would ask client’s to “become” their physical symptoms?
a.       Gestalt
b.      Existential
                  c.   Adlerian
d.      Psychoanalytic

6.                  Which therapy emphasizes trying out action-oriented techniques and experiments to intensify what the client is experiencing?
                  a.   Gestalt
b.        Existential
c.         Adlerian

d.        Psychoanalytic

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